Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Weekend

Eli's First Fourth of July!

Our 4th of July weekend was a very busy fun filled weekend with friends and family. We began the weekend by going to see Eclipse with our group of friends. Nona and Pappy kept Eli for us. :) They just hate to do that :). Saturday, we got up and around and went to Corning to Jon's, Aunt Regina's to eat lunch and visit. That night we came home and ate supper with Gran and Pappaw and Eli's cousins were there and we shot off some fireworks. I was a little nervous as to how Eli would react but he was not frightened at all. In fact he liked them! Sunday we went over to Nona and Pappy's for the afternoon and ate a fish supper with them and went to church that night. Monday night we continued our holiday with great friends again. We ate, visited and shot some more fireworks. All in all it was a great weekend and a great 1st Fourth for Eli.

As I write this I am reminded of all of our freedoms we have and why we have them. I am humbled by the many servicemen and women who willingly serve and protect our country. They sacrifice so much by leaving their families so that we may enjoy times like these without fear of being injured. I am proud to say that my husband, Jon, served in the Coast Guard. He may not have been deployed overseas but he still served this country and is a proud American.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The Past Few Days

Nothing has been really happening at our house the past couple of days. We are excited for our friends Heath and Kamela who found out they are expecting TWINS! I do ask that you keep them in your prayers as they begin this journey for a safe pregnancy and healthy babies. Last night we went with our friends and seen Eclispe. It was a good movie and Nona and Granpappy(my mom and dad) kept Eli. As I am writing this Eli is still sleeping. He is like his daddy and sleeps late. He goes to bed around 10:00 and then gets a bottle around 11:30 and will sleep all night long which is great! I still get up about 2 to3 times a night though because he is a mover and flips and flops around like a fish :) and gets caught up alot in the pack and play toward the ends so I get up and move him back to the middle so he will have room to move. No he is not in his crib yet, but he does sleep by himself in the pack and play at the end of our bed in our bedroom which is good I think, because many friends I know have had their babies with them in the bed and can't get them out. I know I need to get him to his crib and am planning on it soon. I think he will be more comfrotable there, but my only worry is that he won't sleep for sure because when Eli naps during the day I put him in his crib and he doesn't stay asleep for very long. This post is getting very random and long...sorry. I do have in my mind several things I want to post about just trying to get my thoughts together. Soon I hope to post about Eli's journey into the world which is a total blessing from God.